Sustainable Produce Summit 2024 Agenda

Check back soon for a more complete agenda!

Thursday, May 30, 2024




Registration Open

Location: North Registration Counter

12:00 pm - 12:30 pm



12:30 pm - 1:00 pm

Sustainability Insights Revealed
Join us for a deep dive into the proprietary data, insights and trends revealed in The Packer’s annual survey of consumers, retailers and growers. Each segment has a unique perspective and an important role to play in creating a more sustainable world. This session will translate survey results into actionable takeaways.

Jennifer Strailey, Editorial Director, The Packer

Christina Herrick, The Packer

1:00 pm - 1:45 pm

A New Breed: The role of seed cultivation, fruit breeding and genetics in in a more sustainable food supply
Environmental challenges have spurred innovation in fruit breeding, genetics and seed cultivation to address climate change and disease resistance, foster biodiversity and improve the quality, flavor and freshness of the food we grow. Meet the experts leading the charge in this ever evolving and critically important sector of food cultivation.

Moderator:  A.G. Kawamura, Former Secretary of the California Department of Food and Agriculture (2003-2010)

Panelists:  Jennifer Peterson, Chief Science Officer, Sun World

Cristiane Lourenco, Global Sustainability Director, Bayer Vegetable Seeds

1:45 pm - 2:05 pm



2:05 pm - 2:50 pm

Leading the Ethical Charter Implementation Program
The Ethical Charter Implementation Program (ECIP) is a collaboration among retailers/buyers, grower-shippers and implementing organizations to recognize and strengthen engagement around labor practices in the fresh produce industry. The program highlights existing best-practice efforts and works to identify opportunities for continuous improvement.

Moderator: Melinda Goodman, Full Tilt Marketing

Panelists: TBD

2:50 pm - 3:35 pm

Biodiversity and the future of food
Biodiversity is essential to supporting a healthy planet and sustainable food supply. To advance sustainability in the fresh produce supply chain and further protect pollinators and biodiversity, The Kroger Co. recently said it will require all of its fresh produce suppliers to use Integrated Pest Management practices for all products supplied to Kroger by 2028 or 2030, based on the grower's size. Increasingly retailers like Kroger are leading the charge on biodiversity and protecting pollinators. This panel will bring together retailers and other stakeholders committed to advancing biodiversity in the fresh produce industry.

Moderator: Roberta Anderson, President of GlobalGAP N.A.

Panelists: Josh VanDeWalle, Bayer

3:35 pm - 3:45 pm

Presentation of the SPS Marketing Awards


3:45 pm - 4:30 pm

Walking the talk: Communicating sustainability in marketing
While fresh produce is leading the charge on sustainability, the industry’s sensitivity to greenwashing keeps some silent on their efforts. How can the industry better communicate their story? This session will include the presentation of The Packer’s annual Sustainable Marketing Awards.

Brock Nemecek, Farm Journal
Tamara Muruetagoiena, IFPA VP of Sustainability

5:00 pm

Dinner on your own


8:00 pm - 10:00 pm

Shots in the Night Reception

Join us for a fun night of drinks and desserts at Coachella Valley’s best outdoor golf entertainment experience.  Perfect fun for after dinner!  

Transportation will be provided.
Buses will begin loading at 7:30pm and return back to the JW Marriott at 10pm.

Separate Registration Required - please RSVP.  Included with SPS registration.

Sustainable Produce Summit Registration Fee            $249
Add on SPS with your West Coast Registration            $149

This event is an add-on option to your West Coast Produce Expo registration.  Simply click above and register for both events!  You will be prompted to choose any extras - including SPS - during your registration.

If you want to ONLY attend SPS, and not our West Coast Produce Expo, please email us at 
and we will help you register for SPS only.